
Susan Winterburn, Moyez Jiwa & Joanne Thompson describe a randomised trial which examined the role of grandmothers in supporting breast feeding.
Susan A. Winterburn M Med Sci, BSc, RGN, RHV., Senior Nursing Lecturer, Health Visitor, Department of Community, Ageing, Rehabilitation and Research, University of Sheffield.
Moyez Jiwa MRCGP, MA, MD, Lead Research Fellow, General Practitioner, The University of Sheffield, Institute of Primary Care and General Practice, Community Science Centre.
Joanne Thompson BA Hons, MSc, Research Associate, The University of Sheffield, Institute of Primary Care and General Practice, Community Science Centre. Article accepted for publication: June 2003

Diane McNicoll discusses the management of encrusted urinary catheters and describes a randomised controlled trial of two methods of catheter maintenance.
Diane McNicoll MSc, RGN, DN is a Continence Advisor, Trafford North PCT, Manchester.
Article accepted for publication: August 2003

Maureen Benbow advocates a multi-disciplinary approach to the management and treatment of vascular wounds.
Maureen Benbow, MSc, BA, HERC, RGN, is a Tissue Viability Nurse, Mid-Cheshire Hospital Trust, Crewe, Cheshire. Article accepted for publication: September 2003