
Sarah-Jane Hughes discusses the importance of good nutrition for optimum wound healing.
Sarah-Jane Hughes BSc (Hons), MSc, PGDip, SRD is a Senior Dietitian, Royal Hospitals Trust, Belfast. Article accepted for publication: December 2002

Topics:  Wound healing

Sylvie Hampton describes a pilot evaluation of a carbon dressing.
Sylvie Hampton MA, BSc (Hons), DpSN, RGN is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne.
Article accepted for publication: September 2002

Paddy Foster & Lynda Sibson evaluate a rapid response service which involved both independent providers and NHS staff and highlight the development of successful initiatives.Paddy Foster RGN, ONC, BSc is a Nestor Primecare Nurse in Hertfordshire. Lynda Sibson MSc, RGN, RSCN is a Nurse Consultant, Hertfordshire. Article accepted for publication: May 2002

Topics:  Assessment

Victoria Boyle reviews the political climate within which walk-in centres operate.Victoria Boyle RGN, PGDip, BA (Hons). Staff Nurse, James Paget Healthcare NHS Trust, Norfolk. Article accepted for publication: August 2002

Victoria Boyle has recently studied for the Post Graduate Diploma in Nursing at the University of Central England in Birmingham. Like a growing number of nurses, she is considering a career in community nursing when she has gained some experience. Recently she spent time in clinical placement at one of the Nurse Led Walk-in Centre Pilot sites as part of her Adult Nursing in Primary Care module, and used the experience to analyse the political and perhaps controversial context within which the walk-in centres operate. Victoria considers their relationship with general practice and also suggests that walk-in centres are an opportunity for nurses to expand their role and play a part in the Governments vision of a modern, responsive, patient-focused NHS.

Topics:  Seamless care

Lynfa Edwards addresses some of the practicalities of compression bandaging.Lynfa M. Edwards MSc, RGN, NDN, Cert Ed. is a Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist, Ealing Primary Care Trust, London. Article accepted for publication: March 2003