Amira Obeid reviews the case study of a 67-year-old man with diabetic retinopathy.
Amira Sarah Obeid MSc, BSc (Hons), RGN, RM, RHV, DPS: N(CHS), FETC, FPCert, DipCHD, CIDC is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Lordswood Surgery, Birmingham. At the time of writing she was an Advanced Nurse Practitioner at the Black Country Family Practice, Tipton. Article accepted for publication: June 2002
Jill Cunliffe describes the rationale and the processes for developing a nursing discharge summary.
Jill Cunliffe RN is a Ward Manager, Intermediate & Community Care Facility, Newton Community Hospital.
Article accepted for publication: April 2002
In this her second article, Barbara Green recounts her training days in the 'sylum.
Barbara Green RGN, SCM, DN is a District Nurse in Calderdale, West Yorkshire. Article accepted for publication April 2002.
Adele Atkinson gives an overview of a flexible approach to nurse education.
Adele Atkinson BA (Hons), RGN, RNT, OND, ENB 264 is a Senior Lecturer, Kingston University, London. Article accepted for publication: December 2002
Dr James Britton gives an overview of infectious skin conditions.
James Britton BM, BS, BMedSci (Hons), MRCP (UK) is a Specialist Registrar in Dermatology, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds. Article accepted for publication: January 2003