Ian Pomfret, Ann Winder & Willie Doherty report on a twin centre study designed to test the accuracy of an audit of community catheter care.
Ian Pomfret SRN, NDN Cert, PWT is a District Continence Advisor, Chorley & South Ribble Primary Care Trust. Ann Winder RGN is a Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist, North Hertfordshire & Stevenage Primary Care Trust. Willie Doherty NNLD, RGN is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, North Hertfordshire & Stevenage Primary Care Trust.
Article accepted for publication July 2002.
Sarah Bekaert discusses the need for better training for school nurses in the field of sex education and reflects on an intervention with a 14-year-old schoolgirl.
Sarah Bekaert RN Child is a Practice Nurse, London.
Article accepted for publication February 2002.
Beverley Chiodo gives an overview of some of the more common causes of prostate problems and discusses some of the treatments available.
Beverley Chiodo BA(Hons), RGN is a Freelance Health Writer living in West Yorkshire.
Article accepted for publication September 2002.
Pauline Carroll discusses the current state of the debate on euthanasia and reflects on an incident, whereby a patient requested that his life be ended.
Pauline Carroll SRN, NDN Cert, Dip Midwifery (S. Africa), Grad Dip in Ethics of Cancer & Palliative Care (now retired).
Article accepted for publication March 2000.
Sylvie Hampton & Dr Tarique Khan discuss the use of chiropody felt in the treatment of foot ulcers.
Sylvie Hampton BSc (Hons), DpSN, RGN.
Tissue Viability Consultant. Eastbourne, Sussex. M. T. Khan BSc (Hons), BSc(PodMed), MChS, LFHom(Pod), FLS. Podiatric Consultant and Specialist in Homoeopathic Podiatry.
Article accepted for publication September 2002.
Joanne Bennett and Ann Robinson describe how the planned programme of NHS modernisation has placed considerable demands on primary care staff.
Joanne Bennett MA, BA, NDN, RN, RNT is Principal Lecturer in Primary Care at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle. Ann Robinson BSc (Hons), PGCert, RGN, NDN/HV, CPT is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle.Article accepted for publication April 2002.
Amira Obeid describes an evaluation of school nursing services in Birmingham and discusses some recommendations for future practice.
Amira Obeid MSc, BSc (Hons), RGN, RM, RHV, D:PSN (CHS), FETC, FPCert, Dip CHD, CIDC is a Nurse Practitioner, Lordswood Surgery. At the time of writing was employed by Birmingham Specialist Community NHS Trust as a Researcher/Practitioner in Primary Care.Article accepted for publication July 2001.