Sian Wade & Liz Lees discuss the development of intermediate care services in the UK.
Sian Wade RGN, DPSN, BSc, DNCert, MA, PGDipEd. Lead Nurse for Older People, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust.
Liz Lees RGN, DipMan, BSc was a Nurse Consultant for Intermediate Care at Birmingham Specialist Community Trust. Article accepted for publication September 2001.
Teresa Burdett discusses the role of the community nurse in addressing one of Britain's greatest threats to health - poverty.
Teresa Burdett RGN, RMN, DPSN, RHV, BSc, Health Visitor/Smoking Cessation Lead. Parkstone Health Centre, Poole, Dorset.
Article accepted for publication August 2001.
In April Claire Wright reviewed the extent of undernutrition in the community & outlined ways of detecting nutritional risk. Here in her second article she looks at the evidence supporting the use of prescribable products in the community.
Claire Wright, BSc, SRD, MPhil. Programme Leader for the MSc in Nutrition and Dietetics at Chester College, Parkgate Road, Chester. Article accepted for publication June 2002.
Ian Pomfret describes an audit of community catheter care in a bid to assess workload pressures of a Lancashire rapid response team.
The RRT, Chorley & South Ribble PCT, Mrs. J. Scanlon, Manager RRT, Ms. S. Baxter, Clinical Governance & Audit Facilitator
Ian Pomfret SRN, NDN Cert, PWT, District Continence Adviser, Chorley & South Ribble Primary Care Trust. Article accepted for publication March 2002.
Adele Atkinson explains the psychological issues of scarring and offers pointers as to how nurses might be able to help patients who are affected.
Adele Atkinson BA(Hons), RGN, RNT, OND, ENB264, Senior Lecturer, Kingston University, London. Article accepted for publication August 2002.
Anna McLoughlin discusses the benefits of massage and guides readers through different types of massage.
Anna McLoughlin SRN, RMN, BSc Professional Studies (Nursing), ITEC Massage & Reflex Zone Therapy is a Clinical Team Leader, Specialist Services for Older People. West London Mental Health Trust.
Article accepted for publication January 2002.