In their second article Dr Ian Donald, Brian Cope & Sally Roberts describe the prevalence of physical and behavioural problems and the need for specific care delivered by staff in care homes.
Dr Ian P Donald, MA, MD, FRCP is Consultant Physician in Elderly Care Medicine at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. Brian Cope, RGN,NDN,CPT is Deputy Director of Nursing, Severn NHS Trust. Sally Roberts, is Chief Executive, Blanchworth Care. Article accepted for publication March 2002.
Rosie Pudner discusses the impact of smoking on healing.
NB: This literature review was undertaken as an assignment for the award of PostGraduate Diploma/MSc in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair, University of Wales College of Medicine.
Rosie Pudner BA (Hons), RGN, RCNT, DipN.Ed, RNT is a Senior Lecturer at Kingston University, London.
Article accepted for publication June 2002.
Jeanette Haslam and Ian Pomfret discuss whether pelvic floor muscle exercises should be performed with an indwelling urethral catheter in-situ.
Ian Pomfret SRN, NDN Cert, PWT is a South District Continence Adviser, Chorley & South Ribble NHS Trust.
Jeanette Haslam MPhil, Grad Dip Phys, MCSP, SRP is a Chartered Physiotherapist now working in Germany. Article accepted for publication March 2002.
Sharon Levy et al. discuss the development of a nurse-led Telehealth Service in rural Scotland.
Mr Sharon Levy RN, BA, PhD Candidate. School of Science & Engineering, University of Abertay, Dundee.
Professor David A. Bradley BTech, PhD, Ceng FIEE is Professor of Mechatronic Systems, School of Science & Engineering, University of Abertay, Dundee. Dr Moya J. Morison RN, BA, BSc, MSc, PhD is Professor of Health & Nursing, School of Social & Health Sciences, University of Abertay, Dundee. Professor Michael T. Swanston MA, PhD is Professor of Psychology, School of Social & Health Sciences, University of Abertay, Dundee.
Ms Sylvia Harvey RN, BA, DN, HV, RMN, SCM is a District Nurse/Health Visitor for Tayside Primary Care NHS Trust, Dundee.
Article accepted for publication September 2001.
Gill Fleming describes the development of a reference tool to enable community staff to become competent in the use of syringe drivers.
Gill Fleming RGN, is a Staff Nurse with the Community Palliative Care Team, Ulster Community & Hospital Trust in Northern Ireland. At the time of writing she worked in East Belfast.
Article accepted for publication March 2002.