Corinne Ball discusses the treatment of pretibial lacerations in the community.
Corinne Ball RGN, is a Practice Nurse, Rustington, West Sussex.
Article accepted for publication March 2002.
Dr Rebecca Stratton describes the uses of oral nutritional supplements and enteral tube feeding to prevent disease related malnutrition in patients.
Dr Rebecca Stratton, Research Fellow, Institute of Human Nutrition, Southampton General Hospital, University of Southampton.
Article accepted for publication May 2001.
To help us celebrate 25 years of the Journal of Community Nursing we asked the Director of the Queen’s Nursing Institute, Jo Hesketh, to reflect on the last quarter of a century from a community nurses’ viewpoint.
Jo Hesketh RGN, MSCLLB 1, is Director of the Queen’s Nursing Institute, London. Article accepted for publication May 2002.
Dawn Brookes describes the experiences of an 83 year old man who lost the ability to eat and drink and has had to adjust his life accordingly.
Dawn Brookes RGN, RM, BA.(Hons), is a District Nursing Sister, Reading Primary Care Trust. Article accepted for publication May 2001.
Emeritus Professor Justus Akinsanya, originator of the bionursing model briefly describes the use of this education-based tool.
Emeritus Professor Justus A. Akinsanya, BSc, PhD (Lond), RN, ONC, BTA Cert, RNT, FRCN, FWACN, FRSH, FRIPHH, London. Article accepted for publication November 2000.
Dr Ian Donald, Brian Cope & Sally Roberts describe a population of older people in care and focus on the care being delivered to them by district nurses.
Dr Ian P. Donald, MA, MD, FRCP is Consultant Physician in Elderly Care Medicine at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. Brian Cope, RGN, NDN, CPT is Deputy Director of Nursing, Severn NHS Trust. Sally Roberts is Chief Executive, Blanchworth Care. Article accepted for publication March 2002.
Deborah Edwards et al. describe a Welsh study which looked at the factors surrounding increased stress levels in community mental health nurses.
Deborah Edwards MPhil, BSc (Hons) is a Lead Researcher.
Ann Fothergill PhD, BSc (Hons), PGCE, RGN, RMN is a Lecturer.
Ben Hannigan BA (Hons), MA, RGN, RMN, DPSN (CPN) is a Lecturer.
Philip Burnard PhD, MSc, RGN, RMN, DipN, CertEd, RNT is Vice Dean.
Dave Coyle is a Lecturer.
All employed at the University of Wales College of Medicine.
Article accepted for publication May 2001.
Louise McKeeney discusses the importance of using approved clinical guidelines to reduce the number of litigation cases associated with pressure ulceration.
Louise McKeeney, RGN, DNCert, DPSN, CHS, Clinical Nurse Specialist Tissue Viability Coventry Primary Care NHS Trust. Article accepted for publication March 2002.