
Maggie Walker and Kay Levett describe an initiative designed to improve access to services for elderly people living in a rural area.
Maggie Walker BA, MSc, RGN, RHV is a Community Audit and Research Nurse and Kay Levett RGN, Dip Prof Prac, DN is a Placement Practice Co-ordinator, Conquest Hospital, East Sussex.
Article accepted for publication July 2001.

Susan Allen et al., describe a project to develop an integrated nursing team which challenges traditional rules and provides an efficient, economic and effective service
Susan Allen RN, RM, DipNEd, RNT, MSc is Head Ð Academic Affairs, Centre for Healthcare Education, University College, Northampton; Dr. John Toby MA, MB, BChir (Camb), FRCGP, FRCP; Dr. David Smart MB, ChB (Leics), MRCGP; Dr. Fiona Moore MB, BS (London), MRCGP, DRCOG;
Sally Clarke RN, Dip CHN (DN), BSc.
Article accepted for publication May 2001.

Health visitor, Amanda Wildbore reviews a case study of a woman who gave birth only to find that the baby had contracted the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia and looks at how this distressing scenario might have been avoided.
Amanda Wildbore, RGN, RHV, FPCert, BSc Hons is a Healthworker, Youth Offending Team, Trafford NHS Healthcare Trust, Sale.
Article accepted for publication August 2001

Topics:  Emotional burden

Mark Collier describes how to assess wounds more accurately.
Mark Collier, B.A (Hons), RNT, RCNT, ONC, RN is a Lead Nurse Ð Tissue Viability, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust and United Lincolnshire Hospitals Tissue Viability Collaboration (ULHTVC).
Article accepted for publication May 2001.

Topics:  Evidence based

Cate Parker looks at the difficulties faced by visually impaired people with continence problems.
Cate Parker RGN, BA, PGCE, Project Development Worker, PromoCon.
Article accepted for publication August 2001.

Topics:  Discrimination

Francis Allison discusses the diagnosis and treatment of irritable bowel disease.
Francis Allison, BA, Dip N (Lond.), Cert.Ed. RGN, RMN, RNMH, RCNT, RNT, is a Freelance Health Writer (former Senior Lecturer in Primary Healthcare), Lancaster.
Article accepted for publication May 2001.

Topics:  Bowel physiology