Jacky Edwards reviews the use of Urgotul in burn wound management.
Jacky Edwards BSc (Hons), PGDE, DSPN, RGN, is a clinical nurse specialist Ð wound management, South Manchester University Hospitals Trust.
Article accepted for publication March 2002.
Denise Burley describes an initiative to support health promotion in Uzbekistan.
Denise Burley MSc, SRN, SCM, RCNT, HV Cert, Dip NEd (Lond) is a Senior Lecturer, Thames Valley University, London.
Article accepted for publication May 2001.
Sue Ridout traces the introduction of nurse prescribing policy and practice.
Sue Ridout SRN, NDN Dip, BSc (Hons) Community Health Nursing, ENB Higher Award is a Nurse Practitioner and District Nursing Team Leader at Harborne Medical Practice, Birmingham.
Article accepted for publication June 2001.
Jacky Sisson describes a group initiative designed to explore the use of evidence based practice in community nursing.
Jacky Sisson BA (Hons), RGN, DN (Cert), CPT is a District Nurse/Community Practice Teacher, Southampton City Primary Care Trust.
Article accepted for publication January 2001.
Gillian Baker discusses the use of pain management tools in the community when dealing with patients with leg ulcers.
Gillian Baker BA (Hons) Community Health Studies, DN, RN, DipHE is a District Nursing Sister, Wokingham PCT, Berks.
Article accepted for publication February 2002.
Michael Hughes discusses the use of a client-centred model to promote continence
Michael Hughes RN, BSc (Hons), DipN, Cert HPM, MIHM, MRSH, SHEPS is an Independent Healthcare Training Consultant, London.
Article accepted for publication September 2001.
Rosie Pudner reports on findings from a recent wound management symposium.
Jacky Edwards continues her series of wound product focus with a discussion on the use of Telfa Clear.
Jacky Edwards BSc (Hons), PGDE, DSPN, RGN, is a clinical nurse specialist, South Manchester University Hospitals Trust.
Article accepted for publication February 2002.