
Elaine Higson discusses the merits of pneumococcus and flu vaccinations for wide sections of the population.

Elaine C. Higson SRN, NDN, is a Practice Nurse, Goodwood Court Medical Centre, Hove. Formerly District Nursing Sister Frenchay Health Authority, Bristol.
Article accepted for publication
September 2001.

Topics:  Workload

Claire Rashid & Helen Bentley discuss how nurse prescribing has influenced both personal and inter-professional roles.

Claire Rashid BSc (Hons), RGN, NDN, CPT, Senior Nurse Professional Development, Nurse Prescribing Lead Leicestershire and Rutland Healthcare NHS Trust.
Helen Bentley MSc, RGN, RM, NDN, DPSN, PGCEA/DNT, Senior Lecturer in Community Nursing, De Montfort University, Leicester.
Article accepted for publication January 2001.

Kirstie Davison reports on the South Cotswolds memory project. April 1999-October 2000.

At the time of writing Kirstie Davison MCSP was a Project Worker for Dementia Voice, Blackberry Hill Hospital, Bristol. She is now employed as a Resource & Training Officer, Age Concern, Herefordshire & Worcestershire.
Article accepted for publication
September 2001.

Rosie Pudner discusses the use of foam, hydrocellular and hydropolymer dressings in every day clinical practice.

Rosie Pudner BA (Hons), RGN, RCNT, DipN.Ed, Dip.App.S.S. (Open) is a Senior Lecturer - Tissue Viability, Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St George’s Hospital Medical School, London.
Article accepted for publication
August 2001.

Topics:  Patient comfort

Lynne Watret and Margaret Armitage discuss the need to prepare the wound bed in order for effective wound healing to take place.

Lynne Watret MN, MA, RGN is a Senior Nurse Tissue Viability, North Glasgow Hospitals University NHS Trust.
Margaret Armitage DN Cert, RSCN, RGN is a Vascular Liaison Nurse Specialist, Glasgow Primary Care NHS Trust.
Article accepted for publication
September 2001.

Emily Griffiths discusses the need for a multi-professional approach to clear communication in palliative care.
Emily Griffiths M.Phil, B.Nurs (Hons), DN Cert RGN, is a District Nursing Sister, Bay Community NHS Trust, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria.
Article accepted for publication August 2001.

Topics:  Symptom Control