Sue Thomas discusses current policies that influence continence service provision for older people.
Sue Thomas BA (Hons), RGN, RM, DN, CPT, is a Nursing Policy & Practice Adviser
at the Royal College of Nursing London.
Article accepted for publication August 2001.
Lindsey McKirdy discusses the modern management of minor burns.
Lindsey McKirdy RGN MSc, BA(Hons) is a Clinical Nurse Specialist Burns & Plastic Surgery, South Manchester University Hospital Trust.
Article accepted for publication July 2001.
Ian Pomfret discusses the use of anaesthetic gel in catheterisation.
Ian Pomfret, RGN NDN is a Continence Advisor, Chorley and South Ribble
Primary Care Trust, Lancs.
Article accepted February 2001.
In this article Rosie Pudner discusses the properties and use of deodorising dressings in wound management.
Rosemary Pudner BA (Hons), RGN, RCNT, Dip. N. Ed., Dipp. App.S.S. (Open) is a Senior Lecturer, Kingston University and St George’s Medical School, Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, London.
Article accepted for publication July 2001.
Dr Moyez Jiwa, Joan Bakewell, Sue Foster & Dr Kate Gerrish discuss why the role of nurses in providing primary care services out of hours is largely limited to telephone triage. They report on a study suggesting that it may be possible for nurses to be involved in visiting patients in these circumstances.
Moyez Jiwa DCH, MRCGP, MA, MMedSci, is a Lecturer at the Institute of General Practice & Primary Care, University of Sheffield. Joan Bakewell RGN, DN, is a District Nurse, Bridgegate Surgery, Retford. Sue Foster RGN, HV, is a Health Visitor at Bridgegate Surgery, Retford. Kate Gerrish BNurs., MSc, PhD, RGN, DN, is a Reader in Nursing Practice Development at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, The University of Sheffield.
Article accepted for publication June 2001.
In a brand new feature which allows readers the opportunity to air their views, Liz Phillips gives her opinion on the right of health professionals to use the 'conscientious objection' clause in their everyday work without fear of ridicule or prejudice.