
Amira Obeid discusses the role of interpreters and linkworkers with the healthcare system and asks are they an untapped source?

Amira Obeid RGN, RM, RHV, DPS:N, BSc (Hons), FETC, MSc, is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Neptune Health Park. At the time of writing the author was a Researcher/Practitioner Primary Care, Birmingham Specialist Community Health NHS Trust.
Article accepted for publication
September 2000.

Topics:  Social inclusion

In her sixth article, Rosie Pudner describes the use of several post-operative dressings used in wound management.

Rosie Pudner BA (Hons), RGN, RCNT, DipN.Ed, Dip.App.S.S. (Open) is a Senior Lecturer – Tissue Viability, Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St George’s Hospital Medical School, London.
Article accepted for publication June 2001.

Topics:  Patient comfort

Mark Collier examines principles to underpin a practical patient focused approach to care for patient’s with pressure ulcers in the community.

Mark Collier B.A (Hons), RNT, RCNT, ONC, RN., is a Senior Lecturer/Nurse Consultant – Tissue Viability at the Centre for Research and Implementation for Clinical Practice (CRICP), Thames Valley University, London and Honorary Nurse Consultant – Tissue Viability, Hinchingbrooke Hospital NHS Trust (Acute), Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire.
Article accepted for publication July 2001.

Susan Vernon examines the issues of relevance, validity and applicability when using standardised scales.

Susan Vernon RGN, BSc, DN is a Research Nurse, Faculty of Health & Social Care Sciences, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London.
Article accepted for publication January 2001.

Topics:  Applicability

Susan Carr considers how well current terminology assists or hinders the role of the nurse in the community setting.

Susan M. Carr PhD, MSc, BA, RGN, RHV, RNT, HVT, PGCE is a Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Social Work & Education, University of Northumbria,
Newcastle upon Tyne.

Topics:  Aggregate

Chris Buswell continues his series of employment articles with a look at vicarious liability.

Chris Buswell RGN, Dip Nurse Counselling Skills, ENB 941 & 998, is a Staff Nurse at Grove Court Residential/Nursing Home, Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Article accepted for publication
September 2000.

Topics:  Liability

Fiona Stephens describes the development and implementation of a case review process in
East Kent.

Fiona Stephens BSc (Hons), CPT, DN Cert, RGN is a Community Nurse Project
Co-ordinator for the East Kent Community Trust.
Article accepted for publication February 2001.