Jane Kinniburgh discusses how community nurses can embrace the challenges of surfing the net.
Jane Kinniburgh RGN, NDN is a District Nurse, Thaxted Surgery & Uttlesford Primary Care Trust Nurse Representative.
Article accepted for publication
September 2000.
Rosie Pudner examines the properties of low and non-adherent dressings in wound management.
Rosemary Pudner, BA (Hons) RGN RCNT Dip.N.Ed. Dip.App.S.S. (Open), Senior Lecturer, Kingston University and St George’s Hospital Medical School, Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences.
Article accepted for publication May 2001.
Dr Finbarr Martin discusses the nutritional needs of elderly people.
Dr Finbarr Martin, MD, MSc FRCP is a Consultant Physician and Senior Lecturer, Guys & St Thomas’ Hospital Trust, London.
Article accepted for publication July 2001.
Rosalind Eve and Kate Gerrish discuss the opportunities for practice nurses to improve the service given to patients by developing their professional roles.
Rosalind Eve SRN, BA(Hons), Honorary Research Fellow, Sheffield University Director, The Centre for Innovation in Primary Care Sheffield. Kate Gerrish, RGN, NDN Cert, B.Nurs, MSc, PhD Nurse Adviser, The Centre for Innovation in Primary Care, Reader in Nursing Practice Development, University of Sheffield
Article accepted for publication January 2001.
Sue Thomas reviews why falls occur and describes the promotion of fall prevention in the community.
Sue Thomas RN, RM, CPT, DN, BA(Hons) Health Visiting is a Community Health Advisor, Royal College of Nursing, London.
Article accepted for publication July 2001.
Sue Hunter gives an overview of the assessment and diagnosis of asthma.
Sue Hunter MA, SRN, RSCN, ITU Cert., PN Cert, is the Principal at AMC Healthcare Training, Liverpool.
Article accepted for publication June 2001.