Chris Buswell looks at the need for managers to invest time and effort into developing emotional contracts in the workplace.
Chris Buswell RGN, Dip Nurse Counselling Skills, ENB 941 & 998, is a staff Nurse at Grove Court Residential/Nursing Home, Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Article accepted for publication January 2000.
Stephen Mell describes the new version of the JCN Web Site
Stephen H. P Mell is a director of PTM Publishers Ltd.
Article accepted for publication April 2001.
Lindsey McKirdy discusses the pro's and cons of wound cleansing in burn wound management.
Lindsay McKirdy RGN, BA (Hons) is a Clinical Nurse specialist, Burns & Plastic Surgery Unit, South Manchester University Hospital Trust.
Article accepted for publication January 2001.
Beverly Black, RGN, DN, RM, MBA, is a District Nursing Sister in Dundee, Scotland.
Article accepted for publication August 2000.
Dr Tom Smith, MB, ChB, DPharmMed is a General Practitioner working in Scotland and a freelance medical writer.
Article accepted for publication April 2001.
In her second article, Rosie Pudner, reviews the role of alginate and hydrofibre dressings in modern wound management.