
Dee Davies and Ruth Northway highlight the health needs of people with disabilities and examine how primary care and community nurses can work together to offer effective health care to this client group

Dee Davies MSc, RNLD, Dip CHS is a Senior Lecturer and Ruth Northway PhD, MSc(Econ), RNLD, ENB 805, CertEd(FE) is a Senior Lecturer. Both work at the School of Care Sciences, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd CF37 1DL.

Article accepted for publication October 2000.

Steven Jeffry discusses how nurses can help patients/clients to maintain a healthy weight.

Steven Jeffry RGN, DN Cert is a Primary Care Manager and Community Practice Teacher, Kensington, London.

Article accepted for publication October 2000.

Mick Miller describes how the treatment of wound infection is a concept that is still not fully understood.

Mick Miller RGN, DPSN, BSc(Hons) is Account Director at Wells Healthcare Communications, Tunbridge Wells.

Article accepted for publication December 2000.

Bev Swift describes a project designed to empower patients and increase their compliance with drug regimes using patient’s own drugs (PODS).

Bev Swift, RGN, DipN, BSc(Hons) is Ward Manager, Male Plastic Surgery, Withington Hospital, Manager.
Article accepted for publication October 2000.

Topics:  Wastage

Kelvin Karim describes how nurse researchers might use Q methodology, what it is and the advantages and disadvantages of the method.

Kelvin Karim BA, BN, RGN, Dip DN is a Community Macmillan Nurse, Walsall Community NHS Trust, Walsall, West Midlands.

Article Accepted for publication September 2000.

Topics:  Subjective Data

School Nurse Gill Stansefield describes how a 'Drop In' service was developed in schools thorughout Barnsley.

Gill Stansfield, RGN, HVCert., BMedSc (Hons), is a school nurse Specialist Practitioner, Barnsley Community & Priority Services NHS Trust, South Yorkshire.

Article accepted for publication February 2001.

Topics:  Mental Health

Professor Philip Burnard looks at why nurses do not write for professional publications and considers how they might be encouraged to do so.

Professor Philip Burnard, PhD, MSc, RGN, RMN, Dip.N., Cert.Ed, RNT is Vice Dean, School of Nursing Studies, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff.

Article accepted for publication January 2000.

Topics:  Motivation