Professor Roger Watson describes the biological and psycological stages of ageing.
Roger Watson BSc, PhD, RGN, Cbiol, MIBiol is Professor of Nusing, University of Hull.
Article accepted for publication February 2001.
Queens Nursing Institute (Scotland) Innovation Award Winner Rosy Almond describes how winning the award has allowed her to provide a quality service for practice populations in wick, Scotland
Rosy Almond, RGN, DN Cert., is a District Nursing Sister, Wick, Scotland.
Article accepted for publication October 2000.
Ian Pomfret guides us thorugh the different types of catheterisation available.
Ian J. Pomfret RGN, NDN Cert, PWT, District Continence Adviser, Chorley & South Ribble NHS Trust.
Article accepted for publication November 2000.
As a part of a new series looking at wound dressings, rosie Pudner discusses the advantages and use of hydrocolloids.
Rosie Pudner, BA(Hons) RGN RCNT Dip.N.Ed. Dip. App.S.S.(Open) is a Senior Lecturer - Tissue viability, faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St.George's hospital Medical School, London.
Article accepted for publication February 2001.
Helen Parnell describes the needs of an often overlooked group of carers - those who look after relatives with respiratory disease. She discusses the need for government policy to more actively recognise their important role in community care.
Helen Parnell RN, DipN (Lond) is a Respiratory Nurse Specialist, Airways Clinic, St Helier Hospital, Carshalton.
Article accepted for publication
November 2000.
Pam Selim, Caroline Lewis and Sue Templeton describe a case study which examines how nurses and clients can work in partnership to achieve treatment compliance.
Pam Selim, RN, BA is a Research Nurse, Caroline Lewis, RN, BA, Grad.Dip.HC, MNSg is a Clinical Nurse Consultant (Wound Specialist). Sue Templeton RN, BN is a Clinical Nurse Consultant (Wound Specialist).
All three authors work for the Royal District Nursing Service, South Australia.
Article accepted for publication September 2000.