Primary care has been thrust centre stage recently with services moving closer to home. Jason Beckford-Ball speaks to Kathryn Evans of NHS England about what the future holds for community nurses...
In the UK, 330 million tons of domestic waste is produced every year, most of which is either burned or sent to landfill sites. This seems to be a trait common to wealthy societies and in the fast-paced world in which we live time is at a premium — we want products to serve their purpose and, once used, they are thrown away. Mobile phones for example, a must-have commodity in our society, are only designed to work for approximately three years, forcing the user to upgrade on a regular basis, both to drive sales and improve the user experience.
As many of you will know, especially those working at an advanced level, the future of advanced practice is changing. I believe this is for the better.
The role of the advanced nurse practitioner has been recognised for many years and there have been many requests to register the title with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).
Myeloma UK is the only organisation in the UK focused solely on myeloma, a rare and incurable cancer arising from plasma cells, which are made in the bone marrow. There are currently 17,500 people living with myeloma in the UK, and Myeloma UK is helping patients to live longer and with a better quality of life.
While nutrition is important throughout life, it is particularly vital that infants get off to a good start. Here, JCN looks at the knowledge community nurses need to provide best practice...
With all the things community nurses need to think about when visiting patients — continence status; support from friends and family; wound care; smoking cessation, to name but a few — it is easy to see how nutritional status might come some way down the list. After all, it’s pretty easy to tell if a patient is dangerously underweight or drifting into obesity isn’t it? All you have to do is look at them...
Working in a large organisation like the NHS means that patients’ voices can be forgotten. JCN speaks to Anu Singh of NHS England about how to keep the lines of communication open...
The quality of nutrition provision in nursing homes can often seem like an afterthought. Natalie Welsh, a nutrition specialist nurse at Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, explains how we can improve...
The referendum to decide whether the UK should leave or remain in the European Union is being held on Thursday 23 June, 2016 and we all have a vote. But what does this mean for the NHS and, most importantly, what effect will this have on nurses and the current recruitment crisis?
At the Cavell Nurses’ Trust, we believe you are all heroes. The care, compassion and courage shown by nurses in the UK every day is staggering and very humbling to those of us not involved directly in nursing.
In the UK there are currently tens of thousands of blind and visionimpaired ex-servicemen and women battling sight loss without the specialist support available to them from charities like Blind Veterans UK.