
Joan Cochrane examines the right of every patient to receive care in a microbiologically safe environment and discusses the need for nurses to apply infection control principles into their daily clinical practice

Joan M. Cochrane MSc, RGN, RM, NDN (Cert), Adv Dip. Health Sciences (IMT) is Senior Infection Control Nurse HIV, Newcastle City Health NHS Trust.

Article accepted for publication: January 2000

Deborah Ward discussed the issue of infection control and the challenge faced by community nurses

Deborah Ward RGN, BSc (Hons) is a Senior Nurse, Infection Control, Rochdale Healthcare NHS Trust

Article accepted for publication: March 2000

Hilary Duffin outlines the individual methods and advantages of clean intermittent catheterisation - a much underused technique in bladder control management

Hilary Duffin BSc (Hons), RN DPSN is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, Continence Clinic, Leicester General Hospital NHS Trust

Article accepted for publication: December 1999

Winifred Farrell discusses a framework for analysing health care needs and how these influence and impact on the delivery of leg ulcer care

Winifred Farrell RGN, RSCN, Cert.Ed., B.Ed (Hons), M.Ed, Senior Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, School of Human and Health Sciences, Dept of Health, Social Work & Community Studies.

Article accepted for publication: May 2000

Dorothy Sneddon discusses some of the courses and treatments for male erectile dysfunction.

Dorothy Sneddon MA (Hons), BSc, DipSAD, RMN, RGN is a Continence Advisor, Lanarkshire Primary Care NHS Trust.

Article accepted for publication: January 2000

In his final article John Playle examines the questions to be asked when critically appraising reported research studies.

John F. Playle MSc, BSc (Hons), RN, Dip Counselling, CPN Cert, RNT is a Lecturer in Nursing, School of Nursing Studies, The University of Manchester.

Article accepted for publication: July 2000.

Gill Hek discusses the need for nurses to search for the best available evidence when making decision about patient care.

Gill Hek MA, RGN, NDN Cert.Ed (FE) Director of Research, Faculty of Health and Social Care, Bristol.

Article accepted for publication: July 2000.