
Sue Thomas catalogues the changes in nurses knowledge and government legislation regarding the expansion of prescribing rights for nurses.

Sue Thomas RGN, RM, DN, CPT, BA(Hons) is Community Health Adviser, Royal College of Nursing, London.

Article accepted for publication February 2000.

Jacky Edwards looks a non-sharp methods of wound debridement and attempts to identify the disadvantages of each method.

Jacky Edwards BSc(Hons), PGDE, DSPN, RGN, ENB 264, 998, 870, N49 is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, South Manchester University Hospital Trust.

Article accepted for publication June 2000.

Ian Pomfret describes three case histories of patients with catheter related problems and discusses how the community nurse may be able to meet the needs of these clients.

Ian Pomfret SRN NDN Cert, PWT is District Continence Adviser, Chorley & South Ribble NHS Trust.

Article accepted for publication November 1999.

Susan Vernon looks at the causes and effects of falls in older people, how to identify those at risk and preventative and future management strategies.

Susan Vernon RGN, DN, BSc is a Research/Practice Development Nurse, Faculty of Healthcare Sciences, St George's Hospital Medical School and Kingston University, London.

Article accepted for publication September 1999.

John Playle discusses a qualitative approach to nursing research

John F. Playle MSc, BSc (Hons), RN, Dip Counselling, CPN Cert, RNT is a Lecturer in Nursing, School of Nursing Studies, The University of Manchester.

Article accepted for publication June 2000

Cate Parker outlines the background to nurse prescribing and the pressure on nurse prescribers

Cate Parker BA, RGN, PGCE, Cert Health Ed. is a Practice Nurse, Lancashire

Article accepted for publication January 2000