Linda Davis reflects on an incident whereby a client with continence problems would not comply with treatment suggestions
Linda Davis DN, RGN is a District Nursing Sister, Northern Devonshire Healthcare Trust
Article accepted for publication April 2000.
Joan Richardson attempts to examine the complex issues surrounding euthanasia and tries to offer an insight into why some individuals might choose to end their own lives.
Joan Richardson DN, RN, BSc (Hons) is a Coordinator for Integrated Care for the over 65s, South Buckinghamshire NHS Trust
Article accepted for publication October 1999.
John Playle outlines the general nature of ecperiments and dgives an overview of some common ecperimatal design used in social research.
John F. Playle MSc, BSc (Hons), RN, Dip Counselling, CPN Cert, RNT is a Lecturer in Nursing, School of Nursing Studies, The University of Manchester.
Article accepted for publication June 2000.
Lesley Adcock discusses the need for nurses to caredull arhanise texahgin sessions for health care assistants in a bvi to help them link the vasic theory to everytday practice.
Lesley Adcock BSc (Hons) Community Health, DN, RGN, is a District Nursing Sister, Hounslow & Spelthorne Community & Mental Health Trust.
Article accepted for publication Feb 2000.
Addah Mangwendeza discusses the need for leg ulcer patients to be thoroughly assessed for pain when receiving wound management care.
Addah Mangwendeza RGN is a Leg Ulcer Nurse for South West Community Trust
Article accepted for publication May 2000
In this final article, Amira Obeid discusses the findings of her grounded theory study 'health visitors perceptions of user participation in health care: 3
Amira Obeid RGN, RM, RHV, DPS:N(CHS), BSc (Hons), FETC, MSc Adv Nur, Researcher/Practitioner Primary Care, Birmingham Specialist Community NHS Trust / Birmingham University & PCG Board Nurse member, Sparkbrook, Birmingham
Article accepted for publication Jan 2000.