Wendy Biddington discusses the need for multidisciplinary team working to promote good discharge practice from a community hospital.
Wendy Biddington BSc (Hons), SRN, SCM, DN, PgCIMS is a Practice Development Nurse, Leicestershire & Rutland Healthcare NHS Trust.
Article accepted for publication December 1999.
In her second article Amira Obeid continues to describe her grounded theory and study.
Amira Obeid RGN, RHV, DPS:N (CHS), BSc (Hons), FETC, MSc Adv Nur, Researcher/practitioner primary care, Birmingham Specialist Community NHS Trust/ Birmingham University and PCG Board Nurse Member, Sparkbrook, Birmingham.
Article accepted for publication January 2000 .
Lisa Caygill, Pauline Summerfield and John Ormrod assess the readability of mental health leaflets with some surprising results.
At the time of writing both Lisa Caygill & Pauline Summerfield were Assistant Psychologists at Hartlepool & East Durham NHS Trust.
John Ormrod is Consultant Psychologist, Community Mental Health Team, Hartlepool & East Durham NHS Trust.
Article accepted for publication December 1999.
John Playle explores how samples for research based studies are selected.
John F. Playle MSc, BSc (Hons), RN, Dip Counselling, CPN Cert, RNT Lecturer in Nursing, School of Nursing Studies, The University of Manchester.
Article accepted for publication March 2000.
Chris Buswell describes the need for nursing management and processes to develop higher standards similar to those seen in industry and recommends the use of benchmarking.
Chris Buswell RGN, Dip Nurse Counselling ENB 941 & 998 is a staff nurse at Grove Court Residential/Nursing Home (Elizabeth Finn Trust) Suffolk whilst completing a Cert. in Management Studies, Suffolk.
Article accepted for publication September 1999.
Mary Adams gives a personal account of learning through reflection and empowering patients to self-care.
At the time of writing, Mary Adams RGN, was a third year Student Nurse (Adult branch), the University of Plymouth.
Article accepted for publication September 1999.