
Patricia Grocott presents a critical review of fungating wound management from a community perspective, using case study data from her study into the palliative management of fungating wounds.

Patricia Grocott PhD, BSc (Hons),
Dip.N (Lond), RGN, Research Associate, Florence Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery, Kings College Hospital, London.

Article accepted for publication November 1999.

June Rogers reviews the differing types of day-time wetting problems affecting children and discusses appropriate interventions and treatments.

June Rogers MBE, BA(Hons), RGN, RSCN, S.N.Cert., DPSN, is Paediatric Nurse Adviser (Continence Promotion) St. Helens & Knowsley Community Health (NHS) Trust.

Article accepted for publication September 1998.

In the first of three articles Amira Obeid describes her grounded theory study on health visitors perceptions of user participation in health care.

Amira Obeid RGN, RM, RHV, DPS:N (CHS), BSc (Hons), FETC, MSc Adv Nur, Researcher/practitioner primary care, Birmingham Specialist Community NHS Trust/Birmingham University and PCG Board Nurse Member, Sparkbrook, Birmingham.

Article accepted for publication January 2000.

Jacinta Meighan-Davies and Helen Parnell describe the use of spirometry and pulmonary rehabilitation in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Jacinta Meighan-Davies, RN, NARTC, dip.Asthma, Practice Development Nurse, St. George’s Hospital NHS Trust.
Helen Parnell, RN, DipN.(Lond), Respiratory Nurse Specialist, Epsom & St. Helier NHS Trust, Surrey.

Article accepted for December 1999.

In this third article of our research series Linda Bindless describes the nature of ethics and of nursing research ethics and explains how to identify ethical issues using an approach based on the principles of respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice and their application to practice.

Linda Bindless MA, BA, Cert Ed., CPTDN, RN, Senior Lecturer, School of Human & Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield, W. Yorkshire.

Article accepted for publication January 2000.

Diane Gilmour questions whether an aseptic technique is always necessary?

Diane Gilmour BA, DANS, PGCEA, ENB 329 & 176, Advanced Theatre Practitioner (Practice and Professional Development), Crawley, West Sussex.

Article accepted for publication January 2000.

Jacky Edwards gives an overview of the management of foul smelling, discharging wounds.

Jacky Edwards BSc (Hons), PGDE, DSPN, RGN is a Clinical Nurse Specialist, South Manchester University Hospitals Trust.

Article accepted for publication February 2000.

Ian Pomfret describes the correct use of penile sheath systems in the management of male urinary incontinence.

Ian J. Pomfret RGN, NDN Cert, PWT, District Continence Adviser, Chorley & South Ribble NHS Trust.

Article accepted for publication September 1999.