Wound management Resources

Susan Gerry and Lynfa Edwards describe the use of a mini nutritional assessment tool in the management of leg ulcers.
Susan Gerry RGN, NP, DN Cert, CertEd (Adult), ENB 870: Dip in Professional Studies, Dip in Palliative Care is a District Nursing Sister with Bristol North Primary Care Trust.
Lynfa Edwards MSc, RGN, NDN, CertEd is a Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist, Ealing Primary Care Trust. Article accepted for publication: April 2003

MNA form (pp.30) reproduced with kind permission of Nestlé Nutrition Services

Topics:  Healing rates

Mark O'Brien describes several methods of wound debridement and discusses the clinical considerations which must be taken into account before wound debridement is undertaken.
Mark O'Brien RGN, CNS Tissue Viability, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London.
Article accepted for publication: September 2003

Topics:  Wound healing

Maureen Benbow advocates a multi-disciplinary approach to the management and treatment of vascular wounds.
Maureen Benbow, MSc, BA, HERC, RGN, is a Tissue Viability Nurse, Mid-Cheshire Hospital Trust, Crewe, Cheshire. Article accepted for publication: September 2003

Sylvie Hampton discusses the need for enhanced training for district nurses working in the field of wound management
Sylvie Hampton MA, BSc (Hons), DpSN, RGN is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne.
Article accepted for publication: November 2003

Topics:  Pain management

Dr Kate Springett discusses the reasons why all practitioners have a responsibility for caring for the 'at risk' foot - and gives a few pointers on how this should be done.
Dr Kate Springett, Senior Lecturer, MSc Podiatry Course Leader, School of Health Professions, University of Brighton. Article accepted for publication: September 2003

Maureen Benbow discusses the need for better wound management education and knowledge if we are to prevent the inappropriate use of dressings and enhance patient comfort and save time and NHS funds
Maureen Benbow MSc, BA, RGN, HERC, Tissue Viability Nurse. Mid Cheshire Hospital Trust, Crewe, Cheshire. Article accepted for publication: November 2003

Topics:  Patient comfort

Robin Cooper describes the development of a vascular assessment unit and the use of telemedicine at a primary care diagnostic and treatment centre
Robin Cooper RGN, Dip DN, CPT is a Wound Care Specialist, North Hampshire PCT.
Article accepted for publication: October 2003

Kerry Ellis gives an overview of how community nurses might make use of short stretch bandaging in venous leg ulcer management
Kerry Ellis RGN is a Community Staff Nurse, Huddersfield Central. Article accepted for publication: December 2003

Topics:  Cost efficiency

Lynne Watret and Duncan McFarlane describe a recent audit into wound management practice in a primary care division.Lynne Watret is CNS Tissue Viability and Duncan MacFarlane, AHP Clinical Audit Facilitator at Primary Care Division, NHS Greater Glasgow. Article accepted for publication: November 2003

Fiona Meehan, BSc (Hons), RGN, RSCN, is Editor of the Journal of Community Nursing

Topics:  Wound care