
Theresa Hartley briefly describes some of the treatments on offer for patients suffering from schizophrenia.

Louise Brereton, Pauline Barber & Brenda King discuss the adequacy of educational provision for nurses involved in managing patients with leg ulcers.

Topics:  Assessment

Lesley Adcock investigates whether effective education can help prevent foot problems in diabetic patients.

Nora Dunderdale, Helen Pink & Woody Caan describe the implementation of a discharge planning service within a community care planning team.

Topics:  Discharge

Barbara Workman describes a project which explored the experiences of pre-registration students in the community.

Gill Walker discusses just whose criteria ­ professionals, policy makers or patients is being used to shape the community health services.

Topics:  Policies

Rosemary Pudner considers the issues involved when managing a patient with a leg ulcer.

Topics:  Compliance