
05 March 2012

Complex and chronic wounds present many challenges to the community nurse, not least identifying the most appropriate dressing from the plethora available. Coupled with the imperative that care is delivered in the most cost and clinically-effective manner, a carefully considered and evaluated formulary can help guide dressing choice and facilitate monitoring of usage and costs.
In this article, a runner-up in the JCN Writing Awards, Caroline Swayne reflects on the impact of a formulary in her organisation.

Caroline Swayne ENG, RGN, DN, Bsc, Non Medical Prescriber, District Nurse/Team Leader in the Isle of Man

05 March 2012

In the first of two articles Fiona Roscoe gives an overview of the development of the nurse partner in general practice role.

Fiona Roscoe RN, DN, ANP, MSc, Pgdip, BSc(Hons) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Sett Valley Medical Centre, New Mills & Derbyshire Health United Out of Hours Service

Article accepted for publication: September 2011

05 March 2012
Topics:  Information
05 March 2012

Fiona Wondergem describes a dermatology prescribing case study utilising a patient centred approach.

Fiona Wondergem MSc, BSc (Hons), PG Dip HV, PG Dip HPE, RGN, RSCN, Independent & Supplementary Prescriber V300 is a Senior Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, West Yorkshire

Article accepted for publication: December 2011

02 March 2012

Anne Williams explores the issue of cancer survivorship from the perspective of women who have undergone breast cancer treatment. The article examines three specific aspects relevant to breast cancer and its treatment: fatigue; psychological distress; and lymphoedema. It considers the implications for health professionals such as community nurses in supporting women who are living with and beyond breast cancer.

Anne F Williams, Macmillan Teaching Fellow, Edinburgh Napier University, Sighthill Campus, Edinburgh, EH11 4BN

Article accepted for publication: October 2011

Topics:  Support
01 March 2012
Topics:  Editorial
01 March 1999

Damon Thompson and June Campbell discusses a Scottish project aimed at increasing the awareness of the needs of people with dementia and their carers, through providing teaching sessions and information packs for district nurses and health visitors.

Moira Crawford gives an update on travel medicine and vaccination.

Topics:  Vaccination

Peter Savage critically reviews the history of the UK's contemporary policy of community care.