
14 March 2013

A gathering of the masses

Topics:  Editorial
14 March 2013

Sylvie Hampton, Andy Kerr & Cathie Bree-Aslan discuss the use of oxygen on intractable wounds and describe three case studies using OxyzymeTM
Sylvie Hampton MA, BSc (Hons), Dp SN, RGN is a Tissue Viability Consultant
Andy Kerr RN, Dip HE is a Tissue Viability Consultant
Cathie Bree-Aslan RGN, Dip N., RS Hom, Dip HERB is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne Wound Healing Centre
Article accepted for publication: May 2008

25 January 2013
Topics:  Editorial
25 January 2013
Topics:  Editorial
25 January 2013
Topics:  Editorial
25 January 2013
Topics:  Editorial
25 January 2013
Topics:  Editorial
25 January 2013
Topics:  Editorial
25 January 2013

Close attention is being paid to the role the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) plays in facilitating patient adjustment and adaptation to life in the weeks, months and years after treatment for a colorectal cancer and stoma formation. Much of the CNS work is performed in the outpatient setting, in the community or on the telephone, placing the colorectal CNS in a prime position to co-ordinate the complex care needs of individuals who have undergone surgery and formation of a faecal stoma. In this article, the author examines the combined role of the colorectal/stoma CNS in co-ordinating the complex care needs of the ostomy patient with a colorectal cancer diagnosis by exploring the repertoire of skills and expertise that comes into play in the follow up care of ostomy cancer patients.

Kathryn Foskett RN BSc (Hons) GI Nursing. Senior Colorectal Clinical Nurse Specialist. The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Article accepted for publication: August 2012

03 December 2012

Pressure ulcer prevention is a challenge both in acute care and in community care, although prevalence is hard to determine due to differing ways of assessing and reporting both ulcers and risk of ulceration. Those who are acutely ill or have compromised mobility, or are older, or who have multiple co-morbidities are at greater risk of pressure ulcer development.

All District Nursing Staff, Greater Glasgow & Clyde

­Lynne Watret, MN, PGCertTLHE, MA, RGN, CNS Tissue Viability
Fiona Middler, BA, Master in Primary Care, Clinical Effectiveness Coordinator, Primary Care, Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Article accepted for publication: August 2012

Topics:  Prevention