
03 February 2014

Eating well in later life is an essential part of enabling older people to live independently at home for longer. However, with increasing funding cuts to community care services in the context of an ageing society, is enough being done to encourage good nutrition in later life? This article discusses the importance of nutrition for older people and explores how community practitioners are ideally placed to spot the early warning signs of malnutrition and encourage patients to take better care of their diet.

Helen Willis, Dietitian, Wiltshire Farm Foods

Topics:  Balanced diet
03 February 2014

Literature has shown that patients with leg ulcers can have a significantly poorer quality of life compared to those without leg ulcers. In addition, research has identified problematic relationships between patients with leg ulcers and practitioners, such as community nurses. The author contends that this mismatch needs to be addressed in order to improve patient quality of life through leg ulcer bandaging. He makes several recommendations for practice and highlights that community practitioners need to use innovative practice to help improve the quality of leg ulcer bandaging care they deliver. The overall aim of this article is to establish the extent of community practitioners’ understanding of the impact of leg ulcer bandaging on patient quality of life.

Edwin Tapiwa Chamanga, Tissue Viability Service Lead, Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust 

Topics:  Compression
03 February 2014

An advanced wound care dressing that uses a natural resource in its ability to absorb and retain moisture as well as to provide antimicrobial properties, offers a new multi-functional, biointeractive protease modulator to the wound dressing arena. Several factors indicate the need for such a dressing, namely: an ageing population inevitably increases the prevalence of wounds managed across acute and community settings, the prevention and management of infection remains a priority and the use of natural resources is becoming more important. This article considers the literature supporting this product and, using care study examples, demonstrates its potential impact on patient outcomes.

Jackie Stephen-Haynes, Professor and Consultant Nurse, Practice Development Unit, Birmingham City University and Worcestershire Health and Care Trust
Elaine Gibson, Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist, East Kent University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Manager, Aspen
Medical Europe Ltd
Michelle Greenwood, Consultant Nurse Tissue Viability, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust and Associate Lecturer, Practice Development Unit, Birmingham City University

03 February 2014

Exit sites are commonly encountered in the community setting as a result of a shift in clinical practice that means more patients with complex conditions are being managed at home. The management of exit sites varies according to indication, but there are principles of practice that are common to all sites, and these are outlined in this article. Kendall™ AMD Antimicrobial Foam Dressing with PHMB has been used to successfully prevent and manage infection of exit sites, and to manage overgranulation, a common complication of these wounds.

Julie Evans, Tissue Viability Nurse, Abertawe BroMorgannwg University Health Board, Swansea

03 February 2014

Psoriasis can be a long-term condition, which is a significant problem for approximately 2% of the UK population. Recent NICE guidance on the treatment of psoriasis provides much-needed advice and reminds clinicians of the importance of assessment (both physical and psychological) and of talking to patients about side-effects and mode of action. Primary care nurses are in a great position to work with patients to ensure that they have the optimum treatment regimen, and that they have realistic expectations as to how it will work. An optimum regimen should always include an emollient, a topical product to treat plaques on the body along with topical products for scalp, face and flexures as necessary.

Rebecca Penzer, Community Dermatology Specialist Nurse/Clinical Lead Community Dermatology, Community Nursing and Therapy Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust 

03 February 2014

This article describes an initiative in which the Good Care Group and Dementia UK formed a unique partnership that enables specialist dementia care services delivered by a highly qualified Admiral nurse to be provided to clients, families and professional carers in home care settings. Admiral nurses are specialist mental health nurses supported by Dementia UK, and the Good Care Group is the only home care provider to offer this service to its clientele. Admiral nurse support clearly improves quality in the delivery of live-in care provision; support that is substantially beneficial for community nurses and other healthcare professionals.

Zoe Elkins, Head of Care Strategy, The Good Care Group;
Ian Weatherhead, Lead Nurse, Admiral Nursing Direct, Dementia UK

03 February 2014

The senior level gained by advanced nurse practitioners (ANPs) means they are in a strong position when it comes to representing the population. Nurses have had to educate themselves beyond post registration with Masters and Doctorates to support the client group, because of the growing population and 24-hour healthcare requirements. This is in support of the NHS’s commitment to care for patients from the cradle to the grave. There have been obstacles to the ANP’s advancement, but the five drivers of heath care are firm and supportive and likely to have a great impact in the future for ANPs as service deliverers.

Elizabeth Haidar, Senior Lecturer, Non Medical Prescribing Programme Lead, Middlesex University, London

Topics:  Skill mix
03 February 2014

In 2010, Andrew Lansley, Secretary of State for Health, pledged that the public would be at the heart of everything that is done within the NHS — not just as beneficiaries of care, but as participants in shared decision-making (Secretary of State for Health, 2010).

Anita Fatchett, Associate Senior Lecturer Nursing
Liz Clark, Principal Lecturer
Dawn Taylor, Senior Lecturer, Health Visitor Course Leader, all at Leeds Metropolitan University

03 February 2014

Why does incontinence continue to lag behind many other key healthcare conditions, despite being a massive public health issue? There is a vast literature base that informs us that incontinence can affect men, women and children at any age, and that even slight incontinence can have a severe impact on quality of life for individuals and carers.

Sharon Eustice is a Nurse Consultant at the Bladder and Bowel Specialist Service, Truro, Cornwall

03 February 2014

A look at the latest products and services. 

Topics:  Services