Pain management Resources

Dr Pat Schofield, Dr Tony Ryan & Dr Amanda Clarke explore the existing literature in the area of the experience of chronic pain amongst older populations.
Dr Tony Ryan PhD, MA, BSc is a Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University.
Dr Pat Schofield RN, PhD, PGDipED, DipN is a Senior Lecturer University of Sheffield.
Dr Amanda Clarke RGN, PhD, BA(Hons), MA is a Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University
Article accepted for publication: July 2006

Helen Bishop gives an overview of how community nurses can relieve and prevent breakthrough cancer pain.
Helen Bishop is Clinical Trials Research Sister based at St Richard's Hospital, Chichester.
Article accepted for publication: January 2007

Topics:  OTFC medication

Catherine Black, Barry Aveyard, Paula Smith and
Pat Schofield discuss a funded study to develop an annotated bibliography consolidating all the available literature relating to the care of the patient with terminal cancer in pain. This article reports a summary of the literature around pain assessment and provides some recommendations for staff working with patients in the community in order for them to apply appropriate pain assessment scales and consequently improve the management of pain.
Catherine Black MA Ed, BA (Hons), DipHSM, RN, RNT is a Senior Lecturer, DHSS Education and Training, Isle of Man
Barry Aveyard RMN, RGN, BA (Hons), Cert ED, RNT, MA is a Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University
Paula Smith PHD, MSc, DEN, RN is a Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University
Pat Schofield PhD, RGN, PGDipEd, DipN is a Senior Lecturer, Centre of Advanced Nursing Studies, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Article accepted for publication: December 2006

Susan Winterburn gives an overview of current management of dyspepsia

In the second article of our pain series Paula Smith, Pat Schofield, Barry Aveyard & Catherine Black discuss the key and controversial issues surrounding the management of pain in patients with terminal cancer. Assessment, education, the continued efficacy of the WHO pain analgesic level and the continuing debates about addiction and the ethics of the double effect of strong opioids continue to result in inadequate pain management in terminal cancer care.
Paula Smith, RN, BSc, MSc, PhD, C.Psychol
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Sheffield Hallam University, England.
Pat Schofield, RGN PhD PGDipEd DipN Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield, School of Nursing & Midwifery England
Barry Aveyard, RMN RGN BA (Hons) Cert Ed RNT MA
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Sheffield Hallam University, England.
Catherine Black MAEd, BA (Hons), RNT, RN, DHSM,
Senior Lecturer, DHSS, Education and Training, Keyll Darree, Isle of Man.
Article accepted for publication: January 2007

Catherine Black & Pat Schofield discuss the use of a variety of drug delivery systems and will aim to provide the reader with the relevant evidence base to influence their practice.
Catherine Black MA Ed, BA (Hons), Dip HSM, RN, RNT is a Senior Lecturer, DHSS Education and Training, Isle of Man
. Patricia Schofield RGN, PhD, PGDiped, DipN is a Senior Lecturer, Centre of Advanced Nursing Studies in Nursing, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
. Article accepted for publication: June 2007

Topics:  Palliative care

Susan Shaw discusses the plight of patients in the community for whom access to health care seems to have become increasingly complex and frustrating.
Susan Shaw BN, MEd Admin, EdD, DipTchg, RN is Principal Lecturer at the Faculty of Health & Environmental Sciences, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand. At the time of writing Susan was employed as Head of Education, St Richard’s Hospice, Worcester
Article accepted for publication: June 2007

Dr Pat Schofield, Dr Sinead O’Mahony, Dr Beverly Collett & Dr Jonathan Potter discuss new guidance in response to the need to improve the management of pain in older adults
Dr Pat Schofield PhD, PGDip Ed., DipN., RN is Director at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Nursing (CASN), Centre of Academic Primary Care, University of Aberdeen, Scotland; Chair – British Pain?Society Special Interest Group (Pain in Older Adults); Chair – Education Committee, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).
Dr Sinead O’Mahony FRCPC (Geriatric Medicine) is a Senior Lecturer/Consultant Physician, Llandough NHS Trust, Penarth, South Glamorgan
Dr Beverly Collett FFPMRCA is a Consultant in Pain Medicine, University Hospitals of Leicester
Dr Jonathan Potter FRCP is a Consultant Geriatrician, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury
Article accepted for publication: July 2008

Kirsty Carne discusses recent advances in the management of osteoporosis

Kirsty Carne RGN is an osteoprosis Nurse, National Osteoporosis Society, Bath

Article accepted for publication: July 2008

Jacky Edwards & Sally Mason review the efficacy of PolyMem Silver dressings

Jacky Edwards RGN, DPSN, BSc(Hons), PGDE, Burns Nurse Consultant
Sally Mason RGN, DPSN, CPS (Burns Care), Burns Outreach Sister, Burn Centre, University Hospital of South Manchester

Article accepted for publication: July 2010

Topics:  Scar reduction