Infection control Resources

Joan Cochrane examines the right of every patient to receive care in a microbiologically safe environment and discusses the need for nurses to apply infection control principles into their daily clinical practice

Joan M. Cochrane MSc, RGN, RM, NDN (Cert), Adv Dip. Health Sciences (IMT) is Senior Infection Control Nurse HIV, Newcastle City Health NHS Trust.

Article accepted for publication: January 2000

Deborah Ward discussed the issue of infection control and the challenge faced by community nurses

Deborah Ward RGN, BSc (Hons) is a Senior Nurse, Infection Control, Rochdale Healthcare NHS Trust

Article accepted for publication: March 2000

Lindsey McKirdy discusses the modern management of minor burns.

Lindsey McKirdy RGN MSc, BA(Hons) is a Clinical Nurse Specialist Burns & Plastic Surgery, South Manchester University Hospital Trust.
Article accepted for publication July 2001.

Lynne Watret & Margaret Armitage discuss wound cleansing procedures.
Lynne Watret MN, MA, RGN is a Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist and Margaret Armitage DN Cert, RSCN, RGN is a Vascular Liaison Nurse Specialist, both are employed by the Greater Glasgow Primary Care NHS Trust.
Article accepted for publication September 2001.

Rosie Pudner reports on findings from a recent wound management symposium.

Kate Carter overviews the management and treatment of pilonidal sinus disease. Kate Carter BSc Hons, RGN, Trainee Nurse Practitioner, Tooting NHS Walk-In Centre, London. Article accepted for publication: May 2003

Topics:  Recurrence

Claire Kilpatrick discusses why MRSA is such a political 'hot potato' and outlines some of the issues both community and acute setting practitioners may wish to conside'.
Claire Kilpatrick RN, PG Dip, ICN, MSc is Nurse Consultant Infection Control, Health Protection, Scotland.
Article accepted for publication: December 2005

Topics:  Hand hygiene

Sylvie Hampton discusses the use honey in modern cost effective wound management
Sylvie Hampton, MA, BSc (Hons), DpSN, RGN, Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne.
Article accepted for publication: June 2007

Topics:  Clinical trials

Ian Pomfret discusses a case study whereby, patient, carer and continence specialists have achieved a novel way of meeting a client's specific continence needs
Ian Pomfret SRN, NDN Cert, PWT is a District Continence Adviser for Central Lancashire PCT. Article accepted for publication: June 2008

In a previous article several issues surrounding urinary catheters and their care were raised. In this article, Debbie Wright and Ian Pomfret discuss these and other catheter-related issues from infection control and continence promotion viewpoints

Debbie Wright RGN, Dip N. is a Consultant Nurse, Infection Prevention and Control. NHS Central Lancashire

Ian Pomfret RGN, NDN Cert., PWT District Continence Adviser. NHS Central Lancashire

Article accepted for publication: November 2008