Obsession with weight has been identified as a significant problem in modern society, particularly among young women. Similarly, the phenomena of weight and shape preoccupation have been recognised as preliminary behaviours to the development of eating disorders. This study aimed to identify the current incidence of, and factors associated with, weight preoccupation, shape preoccupation, and eating disorder risk in female US university students aged 18 to 23 years. An online study was used and the findings demonstrated that 31% of respondents identified themselves as weight-preoccupied and 33% as shape-preoccupied. Overall, the study found that asking students whether they are weight-preoccupied could be an initial step in early intervention for those at risk of developing an eating disorder.
Samantha A Ramsay, Assistant Professor of Foods and Nutrition and Director of the Coordinated Programme
Laurel J Branen, Professor of Emeritus
Miranda L Snook, Research Assistant, School of Family and Consumer Sciences
All at University of Idaho, Moscow, USA
Professor Donald Naismith discusses the possible links between diet and cancer.
Jean Curry describes the implementation of a lipid clinic led by nurses in Northumberland.
Jean Curry RGN, RM, DipN (Lond), DipHV, BSc(Hons), Community Nursing Science, CPT is a Health Visitor/Community Practice Teacher, Bondgate Surgery, Alnwick, Northumberland.
Article accepted for publication July 1999.
Claire O'Brien discusses the role of carbohydrates in the diet and their importance in disease prevention.
Claire O'Brien SRD is a freelance state registered dietician.
Article accepted for publication September 1999
Dympna Pearson outlines the health benefits of reducing levels of obesity in the general population.
Dympna Pearson, SRD is a Consultant Dietitian and Freelance Trainer. Article accepted for publication: October 2002
Sandra Drummond unravels the mysteries of the diabetic diet
Dr Sandra Drummond Lecturer in Human Nutrition and Public Health Nutrition, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh. Article accepted for publication: April 2003
Nick Puffett examines the management of constipation using natural remedies.
Nick Puffett RN, DN, BSc Hons, BA Hons (Nursing), HE Dip. Cancer Nursing is a Community Nurse/Clinical Nurse Specialist, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
Article accepted for publication: August 2003