Community Matters Resources

01 December 2021
In each issue of the Journal of Community Nursing, we investigate a topic affecting our readers. Here, Teresa Burdett, principal academic in mental health nursing, Bournemouth University, and Anneyce Knight (recently passed away), senior lecturer in adult nursing, Bournemouth University, look at making every contact count to promote health in the community. 
01 August 2021
In each issue we investigate a topic affecting you and your community practice. Here, we look at 'Teaching and learning styles and why they matter'
Topics:  Teaching
01 June 2021
In each issue we investigate a hot topic affecting you and your community practice. Here, Geraldine Walters CBE (left), executive director of professional practice, Nursing and Midwifery Council and Heather Bain ( right), academic strategic lead, academic programmes for Robert Gordon University and district nurse educator look at what the NMC post-registration qualifications consultation means for community nursing.
Topics:  NMC
01 April 2021
In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice.
Topics:  Wound Care
05 February 2021
In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, we look at the 'Public health risks of air pollution'.
Topics:  Public Health
01 December 2020
In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community
practice. Here, we ask... how can community nurses support carers?
Topics:  Covid-19
01 October 2020
In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice.
Topics:  Wound Care
10 August 2020

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, Alison Hopkins MBE, chief executive, Accelerate, explores - Why optimising therapeutic compression is essential.

10 August 2020

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, Alison Hopkins MBE, chief executive, Accelerate, explores - Why optimising therapeutic compression is essential.

10 August 2020

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, Alison Hopkins MBE, chief executive, Accelerate, explores - Why optimising therapeutic compression is essential.