Article topics: Compression therapy, Concordance, Specialist assessment
Venous leg ulceration can be a chronic problem that has a negative effect on patients’ quality of life and is very expensive in terms of healthcare resources. The scale of the problem is continually increasing due to the ageing population, however, the standard of care across the UK varies despite a clear relationship between accurate assessment of the patient and the delivery of effective compression therapy. One of the major obstacles to the delivery of effective treatment is the reluctance of some patients to concord with prescribed compression therapy and there are a variety of reasons for this, including a lack of patient understanding of the importance of compression, or clinicians’ lack of knowledge or experience leading to poor patient education. The authors suggest, however, that maintaining patient concordance with compression therapy can result in effective healing. Central to this is the development of an effective therapeutic relationship between the clinicians and the patient and their family/carers and this article provides an overview of how one team of nurses were able to achieve this.