Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | December 2008

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Introducing guidance for the assessment of pain in older adults

Introducing guidance for the assessment of pain in older adults
Pain management

Pages: 4 - 8

Article topics: Ageing population, Guidance development & collaboration, Persistent pain

Dr Pat Schofield, Dr Sinead O’Mahony, Dr Beverly Collett & Dr Jonathan Potter discuss new guidance in response to the need to improve the management of pain in older adults
Dr Pat Schofield PhD, PGDip Ed., DipN., RN is Director at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Nursing (CASN), Centre of Academic Primary Care, University of Aberdeen, Scotland; Chair – British Pain?Society Special Interest Group (Pain in Older Adults); Chair – Education Committee, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).
Dr Sinead O’Mahony FRCPC (Geriatric Medicine) is a Senior Lecturer/Consultant Physician, Llandough NHS Trust, Penarth, South Glamorgan
Dr Beverly Collett FFPMRCA is a Consultant in Pain Medicine, University Hospitals of Leicester
Dr Jonathan Potter FRCP is a Consultant Geriatrician, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury
Article accepted for publication: July 2008

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