Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | November 2018

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Choosing the correct wound care dressing: an overview

Choosing the correct wound care dressing: an overview
Wound care

Article topics: Chronic wounds, Dressing choice, Evidence-based care, Wound care

Almost one adult in 20 in the UK has a wound, while the NHS cares for 2.2 million people with wounds annually. Most of the people in the UK with a wound are managed in primary care by nurses (Guest et al, 2015). Some wounds, such as minor burns, cuts, abrasions and surgical wounds, heal quickly and with minimal intervention. However, over half of all wounds go on to become chronic, with approximately 39% of these failing to heal after 12 months (Vowden and Vowden, 2009). One of the basic tenets of evidence-based wound care is choosing the correct dressing. This article discusses the management of chronic wounds in the community and provides guidance for community nurses on choosing appropriate dressings.

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