Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | November 2013

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Urinary incontinence and the importance of catheter fixation

Urinary incontinence and the importance of catheter fixation

Pages: 24 - 29

Article topics: Catheter fixation, Continence, Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence affects quality of life in a large number of people of varying ages. For a significant number of patients the problem has to be addressed by catheterisation, a treatment method that can give rise to a host of potentially avoidable complications. Catheter stabilisation is an essential practice in avoiding unnecessary damage to the urethra and accompanying pain. While a number of products are available, there seems to be no preferred device for securing catheters. This article looks at CliniFix® (CliniMed, Buckinghamshire), a universal tube-securing device, which approaches tube fixation in a different way to strap-style-devices. 

Julian Spinks, Kent-based GP with a special interest in continence

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