Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | November 2013

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The clinical performance of a silicone foam in an NHS community trust

The clinical performance of a silicone foam in an NHS community trust
Wound management

Pages: 50 - 59

Article topics: Foams, Health economics, Wound care, Wound dressings

The NHS spends the majority of its budget on labour costs and it could be argued that frontline staff such as community nurses are the organisation’s most valuable resource. However, optimal wound care is dependent upon effective patient engagement, the application of clinical expertise and access to wound management products. The tension between increasing demands for services and the number of nurses is already causing problems in care provision as staff cuts and excessive workload inevitably endanger patient care. Enhancing efficiency through the use of innovative products will become essential in the future if nurses are to continue to provide expert care against a backdrop of cost-savings. This article details the appraisal process undertaken within Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust to investigate the in-practice clinical performance of a silicone foam dressing (Allevyn™ Life Smith & Nephew, Hull).

Declaration of interest: Richard Searle and Alistair Bielby are employees of Smith & Nephew. This project was supported by an unrestricted grant from Smith & Nephew.

Jackie Stephen-Haynes, Professor and Nurse Consultant, Practice Development Unit, Birmingham City University and Worcestershire, Health and Care Trust
Alistair Bielby, Clinical Team Manager, Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd
Richard Searle, Health Economics Manager, Smith & Nephew Medical Ltd

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