Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | November 2013

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How often should patients in compression have ABPI recorded?

How often should patients in compression have ABPI recorded?
Wound management

Pages: 60 - 65

Article topics: Ankle brachial pressure index, Compression, Follow-up care, Wound care

This article outlines a survey that was undertaken in the community to find out how often patients with venous disease who are wearing compression hosiery have their ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) monitored. It also asked clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) their opinion on the desired frequency of ABPI follow-up, and which patient groups they considered to be most at-risk. The survey findings highlight the lack of consensus and consistency in follow-up care. The majority of CNSs identified potential high-risk patient groups, the majority of which have their ABPI monitored every three months. However, there were inconsistencies in time interval for follow-up in patients with similar risk factors.

Winnie Furlong, Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist, Princess Alexandra Hospital and West Essex Leg Ulcer Service

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