Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | November 2013

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Can primary care work for patients with complex needs?

Can primary care work for patients with complex needs?
Mental health

Pages: 73 - 75

Article topics: Complex needs, Methadone, Primary care

Primary Care services have become an increasingly prominent part of substance misuse delivery in the UK. They expanded in thelast decade with many general practitioners catering for substancemisuse patients in primary care. Nurses have also played a valuable part in helping GPs to work effectively in this area through liaison services and latterly, nurse prescribing clinics. This paper will examine whether problematic drug users can be stabilised and introduced to the idea of recovery, through primary care drug-based services in Islington.

Jeff Fernandez, Nurse Consultant for substance misuse at Islington Primary Care
Mark Medjesi Jones, Deputy Manager for Primary Care alcohol and drug service at Islington Primary Care

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