Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | November 2012

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Implementing a dermatology pocket guide

Implementing a dermatology pocket guide
Skin care

Pages: 23 - 26

Article topics: Enhanced roles, Guideline development, Out of hours unscheduled care, Skin care

The roles of health care professionals are rapidly evolving. Over recent years, the nursing profession has taken on new challenges and extended roles in respect of patient care. Many nurses in senior roles work autonomously and at a higher level of practice, engaging in flexible cross boundary partnership working. In order to undertake such roles effectively, guidance is required to maintain standards. This article presents an overview of the development and implementation of a new  dermatology pocket guide in Scotland.

Janice Bianchi, Medical Education Specialist/Honorary Lecturer Glasgow University MSc, BSc, RGN, RMN, Pg Cert TLHE,
Barbara Page, RGN, DipN BN, ENB 25, Dermatology Liaison Nurse, NHS Fife
Sheila Robertson, RGN, Dermatology Liaison Nurse, NHS Fife.

Article accepted for publication: June 2012

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