Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | November 2012

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A multi-centre observational study examining the effects of a mechanical debridement system

A multi-centre observational study examining the effects of a mechanical debridement system
Wound management

Pages: 43 - 46

Article topics: Debrisoft, Hyperkeratosis, Wound care, Wound debridement

Wound debridement plays an essential role in preparing the wound to heal and can be achieved in several ways. Most wound debridement requires the skills of specialist practitioners which can be both time consuming and expensive. This observational study looks at a new mechanical debridement system with a monofilament fibre pad that can be used in any healthcare setting with minimal training. In twenty patients with wounds and/or skin that required debridement, the new system was found to be a fast and effective method of debridement causing minimal pain to the patients. This new approach to wound debridement could potentially have far reaching benefits to the patient, the nurse and the organisation.

Susan Johnson, RN, MA, ANP, NMP. Lead Nurse Wound Care, Doncaster Royal Infirmary,
Agnes Collarte, BSN, RN. Tissue Viability Nurse, Central London Community Healthcare NHS
Loty Lara, BSN, RN. Tissue Viability Nurse, Central London Community Healthcare NHS
Andreia Alberto, MSc. Tissue Viability Nurse, Central London Community Healthcare NHS

Article accepted for publication: July 2012

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