Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | November 2010

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Leg ulcer management: a cost-effectiveness case study

Leg ulcer management: a cost-effectiveness case study
Wound management

Pages: 37 - 38

Article topics: Cost effectiveness, Financial impact, Quality of life, Wound care

Alison Thompson and Emily Steventon discuss a cost effectiveness case study which looks at improving quality and reducing costs in community leg ulcer management.

Alison Thompson BSc (Hons) Specialist Practitioner and Locality Lead Tissue Viability Nurse.
Emily J. Steventon BSc (Hons), PG Dip is a Research Facilitator (Comprehensive Local Research Network).
Both authors work for Leicestershire County & Rutland Community Health Services.

Article accepted for publication: August 2010

Consent from the patient to present medical details and images in this case study was sought.

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