Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | November 2009

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The public health challenge of obesity: is it the new smoking?

The public health challenge of obesity: is it the new smoking?

Pages: 4 - 9

Article topics: Nutrition, Obesity, Public health, Social challenge

Dianne Burns, John Costello, Monica Haggart, Joanne Kerr, Keith Longshaw & Ruth Thornton consider the complexity of obesity and its health implications, highlighting its implications for community practitioners.

Dianne Burns RGN, BSc (Hons), MSc is a Lecturer in Nursing/Nurse Practitioner.

John Costello PhD, RN is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing.

Monica Haggart RGN, RM, RHV, BSc, MSc is a Lecturer in Health Visiting.

Joanne Kerr RGN, RHV, RNT MSc is a Lecturer in Nursing.

Keith Longshaw RN, RNT, BA is a Lecturer in Nursing.

Ruth Thornton RN, BSc, MA is Clinical Lead Active Case Management/Older People, Manchester Primary Care Trust.

Authors work at the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work, University of Manchester.

Article accepted for publication: April 2009

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