Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | October 2021

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Inaccuracies in dispensing compression garments: survey results

Inaccuracies in dispensing compression garments: survey results
Compression garments

Pages: 64 - 67

Anecdotally, clinicians have reported difficulties with obtaining the correct compression garments for patients, with dispensing inaccuracies and delays raising concerns of patient safety, clinical inefficiency, unwarranted variation in care and wasted resources. However, limited published evidence exists to support this. JCN therefore carried out two surveys in 2018/19 and 2021 to determine if these issues are experienced widely. Results confirmed these problems were encountered at both points in time and that improvements in dispensing could be made to benefit both health services and patients. The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic has led to a change in preference for product dispensing and delivery, with an emphasis placed on home and self care.

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