Article topics: APBI, Automated, Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), Venous leg ulcers, Wound care, Wound management
Appropriate and accurate assessment and management of lower limb wounds requires a timely, holistic assessment of the patient and their wound, including the recording of an ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI) (Wounds UK, 2019a). A manual ABPI procedure requires advanced skills, using a handheld ABPI device, and is undertaken by a healthcare professional who is appropriately trained. In addition, the procedure is time consuming, taking a minimum of 40 minutes, and is subjective in its results, based on the technique and skill of the operator. This article describes an innovative service evaluation project that has seen the introduction of 20 automated ABPI machines into 19 general practices and a community vascular clinic in Staffordshire. The project has included the development of a care pathway, recruitment of wound champions, and training within each of the practices. Evaluation of the project is ongoing but tracks ABPI readings, assessment and wound management of patients, onward referrals and outcomes for patients, to ensure that the project’s potential to improve patient care is realised.