Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | October 2015

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The importance of effective exudate management in the community

The importance of effective exudate management in the community
Wound management

Article topics: Community nursing, Exudate, Superabsorbent, Wound care

Excessive exudate production interferes with wound healing and has a detrimental effect on patients’ quality of life. Exudate management is crucial as wounds need an optimum level of moisture so that they can heal. Superabsorbent dressings can handle extreme levels of exudate, prevent leakage and reduce the frequency of dressing changes, allowing people to live a more normal life unhindered by saturated dressings that constantly need to be changed.  Community nurses will often need to treat chronic wounds and may consider using superabsorbent dressings.  The article takes a look at Zetuvit® Plus (HARTMANN), a superabsorbent dressing that is used for superficial, heavily exuding acute or chronic wounds with the author examining its potential role as a wound care option in the community.

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