Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | October 2014

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How to accurately identify and record pressure ulceration

How to accurately identify and record pressure ulceration
Wound management

Pages: 33 - 40

Article topics: Eschar, Key performance indicators, Unstageable pressure ulcers, Wound care

The accurate grading or staging (henceforth referred to as grading in this article) of pressure ulcers has become increasingly important over the past five years as healthcare organisations insist on each wound being accurately documented (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [NICE], 2014a, b). The impetus to capture improved data on pressure ulcers has been driven both by the need to reduce the impact of these debilitating wounds on patients, but also to bring down the spiralling costs to the NHS associated with their treatment. However it is not always easy to grade a pressure ulcer and the accuracy of any conclusions can be affected by multiple factors such as the presence of necrotic tissue, the colour of the individual's skin and the skill of the clinician, whether nurse, therapist, doctor, podiatrist or healthcare assistant. This article examines the basic principles of grading pressure ulcers, particularly where there may be conflicting signs and indications, and also investigates so-called 'ungradeable' pressure damage and how community nurses might reasonably interpret the guidelines on this.

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