
Resource topics: Lymphoedema

Lymphoedema Helpline
BSN medical pride themselves on offering a complete lymp-hoedema service. Training courses are available, as well as local study days and seminars. The Lymphoedema Helpline (0800 389 8424) is manned by Denise Hardy, a Clinical Nurse Advisor who operates her own service at Kendal Lymphology Centre. Denise is happy to advise on all aspects of lymphoedema management.

The BSN Customer Care Team are also available to provide any assistance needed with product or ordering details.

For further information or to arrange for training in your area please contact BSN medical Customer Care telephone 0845 1223600 or e-mail

Intolerance guidelines
New guidelines have been launched to help healthcare professionals correctly diagnose why an infant is crying persistently. The 'Infant Colic and Lactose Intolerance – Guidelines for Differentiation' have been developed by an independent group of healthcare experts, including representatives from CPHVA, CDNA, RCN and RCM.

The aim of these guidelines is to help avoid confusion between two causes of persistent crying in infants: the uncommon condition of lactose intolerance and the much more common one of infant colic. The guidelines also assist healthcare professionals in understanding the significance of dominant symptoms and the appropriate treatment options.

For a free copy free telephone 01923 777277 or email

Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis info
A recent survey conducted by UK charity the Psoriatic Arthropathy Alliance (PAA) revealed 86% of individuals want to see more information on psoriasis in the press. The survey showed that the psychological impact also contributed to lifestyle choices, with a common theme being a lack of interest to this aspect of the treatment programme from healthcare professionals.

The PAA can provide a free information pack about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. It includes a special readers offer to get the second edition of the comprehensive Psoriatic Care Fact File both as a booklet and on a CD-ROM for a combined price of £9.50 including p&p.

Please call 0870 7703212 or visit

The Vegetarian Society
This year's National Vegetarian Week (NVW) takes place from 22-28 May. It will feature The Vegetarian Society's 'It's Nothing to be Scared Of' campaign to help dispel the myth that vegetarianism is a restrictive or marginal way of eating.

Visit their website

, which provides the latest statistics and nutritional information, as well as their hugely popular recipes.

Booklets, which include 'Vegetarian Pregnancy, Vegetarian Babies'; 'Food for Thought', 'Healthy Eating for Vegetarians' are available by emailing info@ or writing to: The Vegetarian Society, Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 4QG.

Haemorrhoid surgery CD
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, a division of Johnson & Johnson Medical, has completely revised its informative CD about the minimally invasive surgical procedure for the treatment of severe haemorrhoids – PPH (Procedure for Prolapse & Haemorrhoids).

The new CD outlines details of PPH and when it may be indicated, and includes evidence and extracts from latest clinical papers. Designed to be a comprehensive information resource, it also includes information for patients.

A copy of the free of charge, credit-card sized CD-Rom may be obtained by writing to: CD/ PPH Information, PO Box 19310, London W4 3ZB or by emailing

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