Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | September 2013

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The use of compression hosiery in mixed aetiology ulceration and palliative care

The use of compression hosiery in mixed aetiology ulceration and palliative care
Wound management

Pages: 60 - 65

Article topics: Compression hosiery, Mixed aetiology ulceration, Palliative care, Wound care

The UK has an expanding elderly population, which means that in the future nurses and clinicians who work in community-based units, such as nursing homes and hospices, will increasingly encounter age-related conditions such as palliative oedema and mixed aetiology ulceration. This article looks at duomed soft®, (medi UK, Hereford) a new hosiery solution, which is not only easy to apply, making patient self-care more likely, but also provides consistent mild compression in a format that is more cosmetically acceptable to patients.

Helen Butterfield, Leg Ulcer/Dermatology Specialist Nurse, Oxford

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