Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | September 2013

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Pressure-reducing pads effectively prevent and reverse signs of category 1 pressure damage

Pressure-reducing pads effectively prevent and reverse signs of category 1 pressure damage
Pressure care

Pages: 52 - 59

Article topics: KerraPro heel pressure-reducing pads, Pressure ulcers, Wound care

Ongoing changes to the NHS (Department of Health [DH] 2010a–c) mean that clinicians responsible for the delivery of wound care need to reduce expenditure while meeting the increasing demand for the provision of quality care (DH 2010a–c). The high impact action (HIA), Your SkinmMatters, identified ‘no avoidable pressure ulcers’ in NHS care settings as a vital improvement to the quality of patient experience and cost effectiveness (NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2010).

Aaron Knowles, Tissue Viability Podiatrist;
Richie Skinner, Senior Tissue Viability Podiatrist, both at Wound Healing Centres, Eastbourne
Steve Young,Managing Director, Cambridge Health Technology;
Sylvie Hampton, Tissue Viability Consultant,Wound Healing Centres, Eastbourne

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