Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | September 2008

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Are the needs of carers being met?

Are the needs of carers being met?

Pages: 4 - 12

Article topics: Carers act (1995), Dissatisfaction, Raising awareness

Dr Fiona Carmichael & Dr Claire Hulme examine several government policy initiatives over the past decade that aim to support informal carers.
Dr Fiona Carmichael BA, MPhil, PhD is a Reader in Industrial & Labour Economics, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham
Dr Claire Hulme BA, MA, PhD is a Lecturer in Health Economics, Academic Unit of Health Economics, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds
Article accepted for publication: April 2008
This research was partly supported by the European Social Fund. Invaluable research assistance was provided by Sally Sheppard & Gemma Connell.

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