Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | August 2021

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A guide to the management of chronic, hard-to-heal wounds

A guide to the management of chronic, hard-to-heal wounds
Wound care

Pages: 46 - 49

Article topics: Biofilm, Collagen, Hard-to-heal wounds, Wound assessment, Wound debridement, Wound infection

It can be a bit daunting when you are faced with a complex, chronic wound that is failing to progress. What makes a chronic wound hardto- heal and where do you start with its management? It can also be challenging for patients because the wound may be affecting their quality of life, often causing a high volume of exudate, increased pain or discomfort and malodour (Atkins et al, 2019). This article describes what can make a wound become hard-to-heal and offers guidance on assessment and management and how the use of a collagen wound dressing, Cutimed® Epiona (Essity), can help promote wound healing.

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